Monday, August 15, 2005

Well that went fast & a biking accident

I never imagined that 12 weeks could pass so quickly. But, here I am at my desk after 12 weeks of parental leave. It's not fair. But, there is a shiny new computer and a spanking new laser printer on my desk, so that is some sort of compensation. The bad news is that I had a bike mishap this morning.

I stepped onto my left pedal with my left foot, intending to swing my body over the bike. I have done this thousands of times since the age of six, when I learned how to ride a bike. The chain slipped, I think because the gears were in mid-shift when I had stopped. Everything collapsed onto the pavement, including me.

The embarrassment was far worse than the pain; I have a scraped knuckle, a red welt where a pedal dug into my abdomen, and a scrape under my chin from where I impaled my neck on my upturned handlebars. The fact that people saw me taking a solo wipe out was the worst thing. I hobbled away. Fortunately, no one came to render any assistance, and no one laughed at me.

The other time I hit the pavement was when a car almost took my out. He apologized, at least, but I still had to pick myself off the middle of a wet and dirty intersection.

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Anonymous said...

"No one came to render assistance"...what a cruel, cruel world...

Anonymous said...

POV looks at families
PBS' POV series will air tomorrow evening with three short films about families ... Count me in (8/15/2005) The 4400: Lockdown (8/15/2005) Add your comments Please keep your comments relevant to this blog entry: inappropriate or purely promotional comments may be removed.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

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Come and check it out if you get time :-)

running42k said...

Good job riding in old friend. How about I send you over a Super Dave Osborne outfit so you don't look foolish while doing this.

Hope future rides are less eventful.

tshsmom said...

It's MUCH more embarrassing when YOU cause the accident, rather than someone else!

Sparkling said...

I think it is only fair you should get new IT equipment after a start like that.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

laura k said...

You cannot imagine how much good it did me to read this post, and the comment above. I had an accident on a bike when I was a kid, and it instilled a fear of biking in me, which I wrestle with, sometimes win, often lose. It's too stupid to talk about. But it's comforting to know these things can happen to adults who know how to ride and everything.

I'm sorry your parental leave ended too soon. It's so nice you loved being home with your child. I wish you could have more of it.