Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Confession #3

I cannot eat a banana in public, at least not in the normal way. After a brief web search, I would conclude that I am not the only one. One person said that she can't "even eat a banana in public without first breaking it into small pieces..." which is exactly what I do. A knife and fork would also work, in a Seinfeldian way. I am not sure why I have this issue. Maybe it's my fear of looking like a monkey. After all, I have very long arms. Maybe it's the phallic nature of this tropical fruit.

I read a post by someone else who asked: "How do you eat a banana in public without it looking obscene?" I'd like to know that too. I once read that it's OK for men to eat bananas in public (something I do not believe), but it made me wonder why such a double standard would exist.

Which leads me to consider that I may have a psychological problem. After all, there are others who have no problems with public banana eating. I am reminded, of course, of Leonard Cohen.

It's good to be back. I was occupied on the weekend, and then I had to finish a long report, but that is over, thank god.

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Anonymous said...

I like to cut my banana with a spoon when I put it in cereal. Then I also like to mash it!

Hmm I wonder if we should analyze this to a psychologist?

Anonymous said...

How do you feel about eating ice cream cones in public?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Liz just hit on something good on this one. Ice cream cones, popsicles, lollipops ... if the phobia doesn't exist with these, then it's not the phallic issue. If it's just the banana, it's probably the monkey thing. But who can blame you? Think anyone else wants to look like the US President right now?

As for the double standard, blame that on the building influence that three decades of mainstream pornography has on the social consciousness. Sad but true.

Anonymous said...

I've always wondered about that whole banana/ice cream/popsicle thing. I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder. I have to admit that I break the banana up with my fingers before eating it in public. At home or in my office....I'm the monkey girl.

Funny story...or maybe not...depending on your take.

A friend of mine was travelling in Northern Alberta with a female friend of his and they went into a bar. There was a banana eating contest going on, so the female friend decided to join in. As soon as the bell went, she mangled the thing, just wolfed it down. People were looking at her in horror because it was supposed to be a contest in which you pretend you're performing a certain act.

Needless to say...she didn't win.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but he's not exactly *eating* the banana. Just holding it. So evidently he doesn't have a problem with holding a banana in public.

Anonymous said...

How do you feel about eating ice cream cones in public?

I don't eat ice cream or cones, but I think the banana might be more phallic than an ice cream cone

Anonymous said...

For some crazy banana eating (not safe for work) check out the This or That Burlesque Game show. They have regular segments which evolve the "sexy banana eating game".

Anonymous said...

Once, while eating a banana in public, a college girlfriend's mother made a remark about how natural I looked. She was right, of course. I dumped her daughter within the week.

Anonymous said...

Bananas are the tastiest. I have no problem eating them in public but it's a much more sensual experience when I eat them at home. :)

Anonymous said...

I've never really thought about it.

I guess I break it up either way, it's a lot to put in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

never really thought about it, too but now that I do, I break it up into bite-sized pieces...I like marveling at how the fruit is segmented into exact thirds...

Anonymous said...

I have that same problem.

Anonymous said...

Exact thirds...HEY, ME TOO!!!

Anonymous said...

i have the same problems with eating bananas in public. popsicles too.
and wouldn't you know it, my kid wants to be a banana for halloween this year.
i am really having to refrain from all sorts of peanut gallery antics.

Anonymous said...

You got some serious issues! Bananas should be enjoyed, especially if they're obscene. Think of how free it must be for all those obscene-public-banana-eaters. The guilty pleasure of doing something naughty in front of everyone!

(What are we talking about?)