Thursday, October 26, 2006

Door Prize

A few weeks ago, I went through the laborious chore of choosing new eyeglasses. And that reminded me that if I were an optician, I would install a digital camera tethered to a computer monitor so that people can take photos of themselves and then see what they look like in new frames. Otherwise, one ends up in the undignified position of being a few millimeters from the mirror, squinting like an idiot, trying to discern if the frames are an abomination. It's not a good scene, and I often worry that I will end up looking like Woody Allen or Bono. Happily, I made a decision and was comforted by the thought that I would, for the first time in my life, have a back-up pair of glasses. Oh, the luxury.

Perhaps I was day-dreaming or maybe I was just walking like a bored automaton the next Thursday evening, still wearing the old frames. I headed down the hall to my evening class, about to turn left through the door when it happened. A door came flying open and smacked me in the face. My glasses shattered and landed on the floor in more than one piece. I had a searing pain in my head.

The dude who walked through the door, a little too aggressively, I would say, looked mortified. He helped me find the pieces and apologized. I thought about taking him down with a solid left hook, but my eyesight is so bad, I couldn't see more than a few inches in front of me.

Somehow, I managed to reassemble the frames, and if I didn't move my head, they would stay in one piece. After class, I found some glue at a nearby store and did a quick repair on a bench under a streetlight. I worried that a passing cop might think I was shooting up, 'cause I was hunched over and looking far too intense. Despite getting super glue on my hands, I managed to glue the glasses into one piece amd I cycled away.

Thankfully, I like the new glasses, which came in a couple of days later. I make sure that I keep well away from that door.

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hemlock said...

OH NO!!! That sucks.

You totally should have guilt tripped the guy into paying for at least part of your glasses... he didn't know that you had already chosen new ones...

I love the visual of a cop tapping you on the shoulder, asking you to 'move along'.

Maven said...


Hope your dignity, your face, and your glasses are doing much better!

Anonymous said...

Murphy's law. Buy new glasses--get smacked in the face and break old glasses before new ones arrive.
%$#! Murphy! I'd hunt him down...if I could see him :P

running42k said...

At least you didn't have to wear perscription swim goggles like that Seinfeld episode.

Super Happy Jen said...

I remember glasses. One time I snapped my frames in two pulling off a sweater, my friend lead me to the first aid counter where some nice paramedics put them back together with tape. I didn't have back-ups.

Have you checked out whether you're a candidate for laser surgery? It doesn't hurt and it's totally worth it.

Jay said...

Ouch! I always make sure Jason buys more than one pair at a time, and he always keeps a spare in the car, plus his contacts, and the place where he gets his does have a neat thing where you can see yourself on a computer screen, and from different angles too.

Liz said...

Ouch! I hope your head is feeling better.

Kyahgirl said...


but thanks for the reminder...I need new glasses.

Anonymous said...

please come back, the innernet misses you.

by that I mean me.


Kate said...

Darn it-- even though you had a new pair on the way, that sucks. I don't think I've ever had more than one pair at a time and often the one pair is seriously broken, as in missing a temple. Or a lens pops out while I'm walking. And don't get me started on my butt and the damage it inflicts on my eyewear. Ah well.