Monday, April 23, 2007

Je suis malade aujourd'hui

I've come down with something: I have a fever, chills, etc.

The only thing I can report on, before going back to bed, is that I watched The Last Samurai during the weekend. I think Tom looks way too modern to play that role. He seemed completely miscast.

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running42k said...

Get well soon.

I didn't mind that movie.

Kate said...

So sorry you're sick! I hope you get better soon. And yes, Tom seemed just out of place in that movie. I couldn't ever get over the fact that it was him and not a character. Although I often feel that way about his acting. I think he gets away with a lower level of talent based on his level of prettiness.

tweetey30 said...

I havent seen that one yet and I would like too.

Hope you get well soon. My hubby has been sick with a cold or something for the last two weeks. He is going to work but he wishes he could stay home.

hannah said...

poor thing. keep up the fluids, and i recommend watching "waiting" to cheer you up.

tshsmom said...

I hope you have better movies to watch while you're sick.
Don't watch network TV!! All the medicine commercials will make you feel worse.

The ZenFo Pro said...

Hey, hope you're feeling better. Hopefully, you don't have that flu that's been going around. Damned thing knocks you out cold.

zydeco fish said...

Thanks. I think I do have that flu. I am still feeling pretty terrible.