Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I had no idea that today is Ash Wednesday, until I read about it elsewhere. Even though a friend's status on Facebook indicated he was having pancakes for dinner on Tuesday, I didn't clue in. Clearly, I am not religious. But, I did a quick search to remind me of what it is all about, aside from gorging on pancakes the day before.

So now I know: today is the first day of Lent, a liturgical and fasting period. I am reminded of a person I knew in my undergrad who gave up alcohol for Lent, and then got totally hammered 40 days later. This made absolutely no sense to me then or now. I mean, if we are truly speaking of self-denial, shouldn't the sacrifice be much greater than booze? I realize that one is expected to give up a vice, but I find the whole thing laughable. This is yet another reason why I think organized religion is a sham. The concept of the Pope and churches are perverse.

Years ago, I knew some people who followed the rule of "fasting" on Christmas Eve. This loosely translated into feasting on anything, provided it did not contain meat. So, there would always be apperatifs, fois gras, cheeses, lasagna or something else like it), lobster (or shrimp, etc), wine, champagne, rich desserts, coffee, liqueurs. I am fairly sure that is not what fasting is supposed to be, but the Catholic church has a far different interpretation.

But, back to Lent. According to some writings (which are most likely fiction), Mister Jesus spent some 40 days in the desert where he endured the temptations of Satan. Let me just say for the record that I would fail at this. I mean, who could resist Satan and all of his taunting?


I am taking another sick day, but I think I'll be back to work tomorrow.


SeizeTheNite said...

I had no clue it was Ash Wednesday either, guess all those years of Catholic school did not pay off.

And considering this idea of "fasting". If thats the definition, I've been fasting for years. You'd think I'd have wasted away by now.

Also, Mister Jesus made me laugh.
Hope you feel better soon!

running42k said...

Easy on the Catholic church there buddy.

As for the Lenten sacrifice, it just shows some devotion to God. It doesn't have to be huge or qualify you for sainthood.

I am assuming I wasn't the one that gave up booze for Lent. I don't think I could go that long without a drink.

Anonymous said...

Before I left the "One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church", I used to do the lenten sacrifice. I actually enjoyed it, because it made me focus on what was *really* important, and scarfing down an extra chocolate bar wasn't it.

And then you really appreciate what you've given up when you get to have it again.

Never went on a binge, though.

And there are a LOT of religions that have fasting rituals, either to show devotion to God (as Running42 suggests), or as purification, or to enhance clarity during meditation.

I think they can be very beneficial, and you don't even need the baggage of organized religion to get the benefits.

I was going to make crepes Tuesday, but we've both been sick. Blech.

tweetey30 said...

I dont follow every little thing on the calander. I know the major holidays and such and even a few small ones but other than that I know very little. The flu is going around Take care and get better soon.

zydeco fish said...

Running42K - no, that wasn't you.

k: I see what you are saying, but I am a moderate person, and I sacrifice everyday by not having gluten and dairy products :-) Most people could never give up pizza, but I haven't had a slice of pizza or a real donut or cakes for almost 10 years. I think I am exempt from Lent. I am pure!

Super Happy Jen said...

I had no idea it was ash wednesday, or pancake tuesday for that matter. I'm a bit annoyed that I missed an excuse to have pancakes for dinner. Perhaps I should declare a "waffle thursday" for sometime later in the month.

zydeco fish said...

But, people might get the idea that they can waffle on decisions, or such like. Still, it's a good idea.

Liz said...

I gave up eating mammals from the first of the year until Lent so I had a big yummy steak last night for dinner. I kind of feel bad about eating mammals, so I try to restrict my eating of them to times that will piss off the Cathyliks.

zydeco fish said...

Ha. Well done.