Tuesday, June 24, 2008


1) I have a serious case of writer's block. I am supposed to be writing a brief article about a recent event sponsored by an organization to which I belong. I have been sitting on it for too long now, and I think I am stuck.

2) Ahoy, mateys, there still be bilge-sucking, sons-of-biscuit-eating, scurvy dog pirates on the high seas. Aha! Maybe I can write the article in pirate speak?

3) I am going to another conference later in the week (Wednesday to Friday). It conflicts with another conference that I wanted to go to, so that sucks. But, this conference should actually be a good one.

4) Next Monday, I have to see a retinal specialist because I have a "suspect retinal tear." The good news is that a laser can weld it closed, if this is what it proves to be, but it sounds painful. I am also on the hunt for new lunettes.

Another boring post, brought to you by the folks at Writer's Block.


tweetey30 said...

Hope things get better. That eye problem sounds ouchie.... Hope that is what it is and the lazer can help it..

Kate said...

Hoping that all goes with the retinal specialist and that the laser procedure is not necessary.

running42k said...

Even with writers block you are doing better then me lately.