Thursday, February 26, 2009

Japanese Binocular Soccer

I kid you not:


Anonymous said...

i love the striped leotards!

This could be a good team-building activity...

zydeco fish said...

Yeah, the leotards are cool, but i am not convinced that this would build teams. I am thinking that a Wii is a better idea. But, I'd be willing to give this a shot.

tweetey30 said...

This was funny.. LOL.. I mean watching them fall and crap.. I dont know I just think its funny to watch grown men try to get to a ball that looks far away to them..

Super Happy Jen said...

My husband was watching this over my shoulder and found it so hillarious that he sent the link to all the guys at his work.

zydeco fish said...

Glad to be of service.