Friday, October 30, 2015

L'Etranger: Innocent Hands (1982)

Bizarrely, the two core members of this band - Andrew Cash and Charlie Angus - both ended up as Canadian members of parliament. Angus was first elected in the riding of Timmins—James Bay in 2004. Cash was my MP, having been elected in 2011. Sadly, he was defeated in the liberal wave on October 19, 2015 by a nobody. I was all for kicking out the Conservatives, and I really don't mind a liberal government, but the NDP got trammelled in the rush to send Harper a message. I really thought he would retain his seat. The good news is that Charlie retained his seat.

Angus left the band after the first two EPs. On this first record, Pete Duffin played drums.

The vast majority of Canadians have probably never heard of this band, which is too bad. The band is often described as punk, but I think that is reflected more in their social justice attitude than is sound. The debut has six tracks.

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