Monday, November 23, 2015

Falco: Einzelhaft (1982)

Of course, you know Der Kommissar, from this, Falco's debut 1982 record. Everyone does. Falco's other big hit, which is not on this record, is the inferior Rock Me Amadeus from 1986. Evidently, Falco is Austria's biggest musical export. What I didn't know, until I looked for some biographical information, is that he was a classically-trained child prodigy. 

So, Einzelhaft, apparently translates to solitary confinement. I learned something else today. On Reddit, I would have to say TIL.

The truth is that the rest of the record is uninteresting and yet there are a surprising number of videos from the record. I guess the fans at home really liked Falco. I am not sure he translated too well across the ocean.

The odd thing is that I never knew that Falco had died until recently, when I was discussing this record with C.  He died at age 41 in an automobile accident, just as he was planning a comeback.

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