Thursday, March 17, 2016

Gang of Four: Gang of Four (1980)

"Drummer Hugo Burnham and bassist Dave Allen generated a minimalist yet monstrous groove that underpinned Andy Gill's jagged, funky, slash-and-kill guitar and the flat, plainly didactic vocals of Jon King, and the resulting sound was bracingly unique. This debut EP was the sparest, most frightening thing the band ever released." [source]

I can agree with the above statement.

The original price for this EP (in US dollars) was $4.98. It's printed on the spine. That was probably a little too expensive in 1980, but I could be wrong. Anyway, this self-titled EP (also known as the Yellow EP) has four tracks, and man, there are good.

I suppose that the name of this band wouldn't fly today. Social media would be all over them, like Viet Cong, and they would be forced to change the name.

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