Thursday, September 13, 2018

Morrissey: Suedehead (1988)

Side b of the first Morrissey single (which came out a month before Viva Hate) contains Hairdresser on Fire and I Know Very Well How I Got My Name. I have to admit that the suedehead subculture is something I had never heard of before. Because I am lazy, I have only read the Wikipedia entry, which says:
The suedehead subculture was an early-1970s offshoot of skinhead subculture in the United Kingdom. Although sharing similarities to 1960s skinheads, suedeheads grew their hair longer and dressed more formally.[1][2] Although often working class like skinheads, some had white collar jobs. A female suedehead was a sort. [source]
It goes on to describe clothing and musical tastes and concludes with this statement: "Morrissey made a single called "Suedehead" in 1988, although the lyrics appear to have nothing to do with suedehead subculture." So much for that.

I have a Canadian pressing.

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