Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Not all Cyclists are Idiots

Would it be fair to judge all automobile drivers based on the actions of a few, or even on the habits of taxi drivers? It seems to me that I, as a cyclist, am being prejudged every time I am on the road. Bad cyclists drive me crazy too, but I realize that not all cyclists are terrible and have no respect for the rules of the road.

It annoys me that a cop tried to ticket me for making a rolling stop at a stop sign when drivers do that all of the time and when most cyclists fail to even slow down. I made a right turn on a red light today, so slowly that I had to put my foot down. Pedestrians were walking faster than me, and this guy on the sidewalk said: "that's a red light." He must have issues with cyclists.

A few moments earlier, someone asked me for spare change. I said "sorry", and then she said: "no one in this city has any fucking manners!" The most amazing thing was that she articulated her i-n-g. She said fucking, not fuckin' and that made me almost wish that I had a few cents to give her.



Anonymous said...

what an interesting ride you had.
In these poorly articulated times, good articulation should be rewarded. But maybe not with money - you should have responded with a comment like, "that's so great that you articulated 'fucking' - i wish more people spoke like you!", thus diffusing the angry tension of the situation.
CMF | 07.06.04 - 10:19 am

zydeco fish said...

You know, one of the things that really struck me when I moved back to Canada is everyone dropping their "ing"s. I can get over it in casual conversation, but when CBC news reporters start doing it, well, that's my limit...
katherine | Email | 07.06.04 - 12:46 pm

zydeco fish said...

my entire family drops their ings. i truly believe that they think that the g is silent. cbc? really? that is fascinating. the one grammatical thing that bugs me even more is when people say "real" when they mean "really". that, it seems, is part of our language now. that's real depressing.
zf | Homepage | 07.06.04 - 2:40 pm