Friday, June 10, 2005

Cosmetics on the Go

Today, I saw a woman putting on her eye liner while walking down a busy Toronto street. Last week, I watched a woman apply mascara while driving her car. I have seen women applying lipstick, and that stuff that goes on the cheeks, while driving, but never mascara. That was new, and an accident waiting to happen. Besides, isn't it embarrassing to be seen applying makeup?

This reminded me that I once heard a woman state emphatically that no woman should be seen doing her makeup. I wondered if it was because makeup was a secret, you know, because back in the day only hookers wore makeup. Well, I am not sure if that is true, but I remember reading that in Victorian England, prostitutes wore cosmetics to appear obvious. So, is it that she thinks women just shouldn't be seen or does she think that women can hide the fact that makeup is in use?

There are those other women who say that a woman should never be seen without makeup, even by her husband. That means wearing makeup to bed. And that brings me to TV, where women are often seem wearing makeup in ridiculous situations, like crawling out of a ditch, when there are getting out of bed (really, do you know any women who wear makeup to bed?). I've even seen women getting out of the shower wearing makeup on TV.

Perhaps I shouldn't even comment on makeup, since I am a man and don't wear it.

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Kathy said...

I think the woman that can put on eye liner as she walks is some kind of super human! I have trouble putting that stuff on standing perfectly still in front of the bathroom mirror.

I've been reading your site for several weeks now...just wanted to take this opportunity to say hello.

zydeco fish said...

Yeah, I kinda wondered how she didn't poke her eye out. Hello. Nice to meet you.

Jay said...

I have indeed heard of women who wear makeup to bed, which worries me because not only is it bad for your skin, but it seems to me it would just get all mucky anyway.

I don't really wear makeup every day, but I am not particularly embarrassed to be seen applying it. Lipstick I would say is okay out in public because everyone does it with chapstick. Anything more I would say should be done in a washroom.

Super Happy Jen said...

I don't wear make up except on special occasions (like, weddings, or whenever I feel like looking pretty). I agree, anyone who can put on eyeliner while walking is a super human.

And that stuff that goes on your cheeks is called "blush"

Critical Darling said...

A few things:
Would you brush your teeth in public? I think of makeup as similar to a personal hygiene ritual and therefore something that should be done with a certain degree of privacy. Also, I think women who are walking down the street putting on makeup cannot ever hope to do a good job of it and are therefore clearly desperate just to have the stuff on their face, possibly out of some insecurity--which, I think makes them look flakey. So, when I see them, I say "wow, what a flake" and any respect I could have possibly had is gone gone gone.
Which brings me to my next point, which concerns one of G's points--most women do not apply their makeup properly. I would say upward of 85 to 90% Yes ladies, it's shocking, but makeup is supposed to highlight your best features, not hide your bad ones. If it's applied properly, you shouldn't know it's even there. It can't make you better looking than you already are.
Oh, and if you sleep with makeup on, you will age twice as fast.
And finally, I know men who wear makeup who are quite straight.

Liz said...

I stopped wearing makeup a couple years ago. I do still sometimes use eyeliner, but I don't apply it while walking down the street! For me now, I'm going all out if I wear a little eye shadow, or maybe some glittery stuff, oh and lip gloss. I can't believe I used to be one of those women that wore full makeup all the time. Yuck!

Cooper said...
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Cooper said...

Women of all socioeconomic classes have worn make-up for years. At one point in history only the aristocracy had the benefit of the best and most whorish make-up available.
i have seem mascara being applied by drivers on many occasions. That is scary.

tshsmom said...

While wearing "the glittery stuff" years ago, my husband asked me if I was sweating. I haven't worn makeup since. My husband is fine with this as he says; "It tastes terrible!"
My husband also can't understand the point of "ghoulish" long, painted fingernails.
Save your money girls! Take your makeup and manicure money and take a cooking course instead. It'll get you farther with a man.

David Sheedy said...

In my opinion, a woman without make-up shows a truer beauty.

Anonymous said...

I'm barely coordinated enough to put on any kind of eye make-up while standing still in front of a mirror - though this in itself is made more challenging by my husband insisting makeup is "gross."

Putting it on in public? While driving or moving? Scary. Really. Scary.

(Found you on blogexplosion. Added you to my blogroll. Hope you don't mind?)

laura k said...

I don't wear makeup on a daily basis, though I do sometimes when I feel like getting "dressed up". It makes me feel more... dressed up. Don't know why - habit, I guess, and conditioning.

Applying makeup in public is truly disgusting. I put it in the category of men (it's always men!) who clip their fingernails on the NYC subway. Grrrross.

BUT, I have a question/comment for the men here who believe women look better sans makeup. It's great to hear, a wonderful perspective. However, you may not realize that many women who you think are not wearing makeup, are. Applied skillfully and judiciously, makeup is often not even noticed.

If you ever admire a female actor or model, no matter how fresh and "natural" her look, you are looking at makeup. No actor or model is EVER photographed or filmed without makeup.

Morris said...

Women who put on makeup in public are whores. Its a universal sign they have sex for sale.

Ask Morris

Anonymous said...

I had no idea people had such strong opinions about makeup.

I like makeup. I don't wear it if I don't feel like wearing it. It's not something that I feel I need. But, It's FUN! It's fantastic how much you can change your entire appearance in minutes.

laura k said...

"Women who put on makeup in public are whores. Its a universal sign they have sex for sale."

Men who make generalizations about women's sexuality based on superficialities are ignorant, close-minded reactionaries. It's a universal sign of lack of intelligence.

carpediemtomorrow said...

it just goes to prove the point that Men are the better looking species....well most men anyway....we never have to try too hard to look good.....please send your letters of complaint to.......www.malechauvinist reviews@somewhere other than

Eabha the Kiwi said...

zydeco fish said...

Thanks for all of the opinions. I have no more to say on the topic.

xmargaux said...

Thanks for your write-up on wearing make-up. You are a concerned citizen eh?

It is hard to perfectly apply any cosmetics while doing other stuff.

That woman is multi-talended.

Hi :)