Tuesday, June 28, 2005

A Recurring Dream

In a previous post, I said: "I am reluctant to post any more dreams here, for fear that someone may be secretly psychoanalyzing me. If you are secretly psychoanalyzing me, please send me a full report on what you have found." And so, I present another dream.

Someone please tell me what this means. I have a recurring dream in which I have to pass through a very small opening, like a door that has only one foot of clearance, or under a wall that doesn't quite meet the ground. There are numerous other variations. Sometimes, I have to follow what seems to be a tunnel.


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laura k said...

You are worried you might not fit in?

You are trying to "pass" for something you are not?

I'm not an analyst, nor do I play one on TV.

Liz said...

I guess the Freudian take on that would be that door/tunnel represents the vagina/birth canal, so it is either a dream about birth or about sex ... I'm not saying I agree with that interpretation, but it's something to think about.

Anonymous said...

It means to paint yuor doors in your house

Jay said...

Kudos to Liz. She's hit the nail right on the head. That is a text-book case of the Freudian right there.

zydeco fish said...

Well thanks Liz. Perhaps I shouldn't have posted that dream. I'd l ike to belive you G, but the Freudians always win.

Mama Mouse said...

I have to agree with g .... I agree that Freud is too easy an answer and that you have to look more deeply than 'sex' to find the answer.

What does the dream mean to YOU? Dreams are full of symbols. This one has a doorway ... what does it represent to YOU?

Kimberley said...

Ahhh. Dreams are f*cked up. Who cares about what they mean, enjoy them when you fly, breathe underwater, or screw someone famous.

Anonymous said...

I think it has something to do with reading Alice in Wonderland.
Mushrooms that make you change size, a caterpillar that smokes a pipe...