Sunday, January 20, 2008


I have a new mouse, or rat. I could hear the little bastard scraping and chewing in the kitchen while I waited for the blasted football game to end. I don't hate football, but I don't like it wreaking havoc with TV schedules. And, I really didn't care who won. I'm just glad I didn't have to play in that weather. And now, I will catch the finale of the Amazing Race.


Kate said...

My husband had the game on here in front of me for an hour before I thought to look at which teams were playing. I only get into it on Superbowl day and that's just for the snacks.

Anonymous said...

Am I to assume this is not a pet?

running42k said...

You could have watched the Race on CBS at the normal time.

Did you want me to mail my cat down for the mouse problem?

tweetey30 said...

ZF I live where they were playing last night. Unless you werent talking about the Packer/Giant game.. LOL... Now on to your mouse. I have been lucky here no mice yet. Hope you can get rid of him soon. Or them...

cube said...

You need a cat, preferably one who doesn't like watching football.

tshsmom said...

Here's where we differ, slightly. We avoid ALL pro sports like the plague. I get annoyed because football makes the Amazing Race run late. Then I'm forced to watch the end of Amazing Race, which I hate, in order to catch the beginning of Cold Case. Stupid football!!

zydeco fish said...

kate: Hmm, snacks on Superbowl day. That might make it worth watching :-)

cooper: no, it is no pet :-(

running42k: i am allergic to cats, but I might be OK for a few days, so please mail the cat to me ASAP.

mister anchovy said...

You need a few cats...

zydeco fish said...

That a great idea, Mister Anchovy, except that I am allergic to them. It's sad, I know.