Wednesday, January 23, 2008

No Time

In a sudden burst of energy, no doubt brought on by waves of panic and anxiety, I am wrapping up work on my two upcoming conference presentations. As I often said as an undergrad: "anxiety breeds excellence." Soon, I will have evidence to confirm or deny that statement. But, I will have to await the verdict of those who choose to attend my sessions. People exiting in droves might be a sign that things are going poorly, but dozens of people left during Cronenberg's film Crash, and I thought it was quite good, so you never know. The good news is that I have co-presenters, so that gives me an odd sense of calm amid the anxiety.


tweetey30 said...

Good luck. I hate being in front of people. I hate doing presetations.

zydeco fish said...

I used to hate public speaking too, but I got over that, eventually.

cube said...

Good luck. The good thing about co-presenters is if something doesn't go well, you can spread the blame around ;-)

running42k said...

Still waiting for the last minute eh. Nice to see things haven't changed since university.