Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mad Men

To be a man in 1960 must have been something. To be a woman looks like it mostly sucked, 'cause it was a man's world back then. Men ruled the business world and the home. These were the days when men could slap their wives, tell them what to do, and keep an apartment in the city for extra-curricular entertainment. Women were essentially servants and mistresses, Well, in the world of the advertising executive, at any rate.

The chain smoking makes me feel asthmatic, or like I am once again a child with my mother smoking in every conceivable place at any time of the day. And then there's the alcohol. They drink and smoke all day - at home, at work, on the train, in the car. It looks like everyone was a chain-smoking alcoholic.

It makes me wonder what would happen if I set up a bar in my office. I'd just need a few bottles of booze, some crystal, and an ice bucket ... and a secretary. Damn, I forgot about that. I'd need her to wash the glasses and fetch the ice, so I am not sure if this would work, but I'd like to try. Would anyone say anything? Would my office become a party zone? I'll run an experiment and report back.

Mad Men has been praised for its historical veracity and its visual style. I concur. It's well-acted, engaging, and highly entertaining. It confirms for me that the business world is not the place for me. I prefer academia and the associated complete lack of supervision.


A said...

I haven't seen this show yet. I may look into it. Everybody is raving about it.

Kate said...

I am a huge fan as well. Huge.

I agree with the lack of supervision being something I love about my job. As often as I am "observed" while I'm teaching, there are so many other days when I'm in my little kingdom, doing my thing without people poking their heads in. Before I was a teacher, I worked in "corporate America" (I hate that phrase) and bosses and coworkers being in my business constantly drove me crazy.

tweetey30 said...

I hate smoking and achoholics but this show is suppose to be good from what I am hearing here. Havent seen it yet..

Bridget Jones said...

It sure did suck then. I lived it. In Canada, women weren't even allowed to have their own credit ratings, to get a loan under their own names...etc.

Sucked big time.

I also remember an MP raising the issue of wife beating in Parliament, and the whole place dissolved in laughter.
