Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Numbers

Countries visited - 4
Cities visited - 11
Days away - 21
Flights - 2
Flight delays - 1
Train trips - 18
Train delays - 0
Times getting on the wrong train - 1
Times booted from 1st class for accidentally sitting there - 2
Times harassed for being in 1st class, despite having valid tickets - 1
Bus trips - 2
Boat trips - 2
Boat trips to unexpected destinations - 1
Photos taken - 1172
Videos shot - 2
Propositions received from prostitutes - 1
Hours spent in bed recovering from the flu - 58
Items accidentally smashed in a supermarket - 1
Accidents witnessed (bike vs car) - 1
Red light districts seen - 3
Comedic tram conductors encountered in Amsterdam - 3
Workmen accidentally locked into office and then freed - 1
Baptisms attended - 1
Glasses of champagne consumed after baptism - several...
Percentage improvement in my French after champagne - 100%
Number of Polish waitresses who couldn't understand French in Geneva - 1
Dutch words I learned - 3
Euros left over - 20
Swiss Francs left over - 15
Roast chickens eaten - too many to count


tshsmom said...

Sounds like a successful trip. ;)

Do you have a witness to your French improving after champagne?

A said...

Sounds like you had a good trip (apart from the illness bit). I'm glad you made it back all safe and sound.

zydeco fish said...

tshsmom - yes, I had witnesses, but I wonder if they would agree with me :-)

Deodand said...

Why were you harassed in first class? Were you dressed as a hobo??

zydeco fish said...

Deodand: It was because he said we could not travel in 1st class with a rail pass, even if we paid the difference in price, as permitted by the rules. This guy had no idea what he was talking about, and he gave us a hassle, and told us that what we were doing was not permitted. I think we ought to complain to the rail peoples.