Saturday, August 02, 2014

Joan Armatrading: Secret Secrets (1985)

If you think that the idea of using a producer known for his work with OMD and Berlin sounds like a bad idea on a Joan Armatrading record, you may be right. This was the 80s, and lots of acts lost their way, trying to pander to 80s musical styles and tastes. So, on the one hand, the production is lush, while on the other, her acoustic guitar seems to have been lost in the mix. Other critics have argued that Armatrading's voice had gone into decline by this point in her career. It's hard to quarrel with that assessment.

In my humble assessment, I would say that this album doesn't work. I put it on, and abandoned part way through side one. I would sell the record, but I suspect that it has no resale value.

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