Monday, April 10, 2006

Answers, Part 2

Next, Super Happy Jen of Super Happy Jen's Super Happy Blog, asks a complicated question. I should really ask her why she is so happy. I mean, what's that all about? She lives in some sort of super happy world. Everything about her is happy. It's all happy, happy, happy. If you want a happy little blogging diversion, visit Super Happy Jen for a little happiness. She says, "Most people think I am the most hilarious girl in the world - even when I'm trying to be serious!" I can't believe that she is both hilarious and happy.

So, here is her question:

So you know those Klingon warriors from Star Trek? Not the Original Series.

Yes (so far, so good).

I'm talking full bumpy forehead, crooked yellow teeth, armor, bat'leth, lots of cleavage.

I am secretly wondering why she knows how to spell bat'leth.

Anyway (we are getting close to the question), say you were hanging out in the 24th century and one of them asked you out on a date. What would your response be and why?

I think my answer would be, what the fuck am I doing in the 24th century? And, perhaps more importantly, why am I in a fictional 24th century? This would presuppose that I have either gone completely insane or that time travel is real and that one could move into fictional universes. So, I can't see any way that I would ever be in such a situation, without the influence of something like hallucinogenic drugs or complete mental collapse. OK, I know that this is a scenario question, so I will play along.

If a male Klingon asked me on a date, I would say no: I'm not gay, not even for Klingons (not that there's anything wrong with that). Now, supposing a female Klingon asked me on a date, I would say no as well. I'd be worried that she would accidentally kill me. Now if a green woman asked me out...

Does that answer your question?

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Kyahgirl said...

oh, would that be the green dancing woman from the old Star Trek?

Super Happy Jen said...

Orions are known for their sexiness.

Wouldn't you be worried that the klingon woman (I was talking about a woman, hence the lots of cleavage) would kill you for refusing her? I don't think you want to be hurting her feelings.

And what do you mean by saying that's a fictional 24th century? You don't know what the 24th century is going to be like do you? And I happen to know time travel is possible because I saw it in the episode "The Guardian of Forever" and in "Time's Arrow" and in "Star Trek IV" and in umpteen other episodes.

Why am I super happy? Why not? It's a good life. I have all of the Next Generation on DVD.

zydeco fish said...

Jen, I suppose if I was about to be impaled by her bat'leth, then yes, who could refuse? Stephen Hawking has some interesting things to say about time travel.

Kyahgirl said...

superhappyjen-can I come over to your place and watch Star trek Next Gen? I have all the first series on DVD. I'll bring them with me. :-)

zydeco fish said...

superhappyjen - if you invite Kyahgirl, you're going to have to invite everyone :-)

Liz said...

Oh, I just want to watch all the Q episodes! Especially Encounter at Farpoint! The drama as Troi walks around inside that creature sensing pain!

Jay said...

Actually, that just makes me question you all the more.

Super Happy Jen said...

kyahgirl, I have all of TOS aswell, and all the movies. But I only have a few of VOY and DS9. If you have any of those...

Super Happy Jen said...

Oh and just in case anyone was wondering about my status as supreme nerd...I know how to spell bat'leth because I have a klingon dictionary. My husband had my engagement ring engraved with the phrase qamuSHa'qu, which in klingon means "I love you very much" (or "I don't hate you a lot").

Kyahgirl said...

wow jen, I bow at the altar of your Trekkie nerdiness!!


Anonymous said...

ZF, you've got it backwards. It's not her bat'leth that would be doing in impaling - wink;wink;nudge;nudge