Are you using Vista? I am considering purchasing a new laptop next spring, but I am afraid of Vista. Evidently, very few developers are writing applications for Vista, which I assume means that they are waiting for Windows 7. I would also love to wait for the new OS, but that is not expected to roll out until 2010.
So, if you are running Vista, what do you think? Incidentally, Hitler hates Vista:
I have Vista and it's fine! Have been using it for at least a year. No problemos.
My boyfriend is a computer tech/programmer, and he doesn't mind Vista. There's a service pack out for it now, I guess, that makes it awesome. Also, you can disable a lot of the security features (according to my computer genius boyfriend). I've used it a bit, and I don't mind it.
I have Vista, it's not bad. Really not much different than XP. I didn't ask to upgrade, my husband did it to my machine when I wasn't looking.
Couple things:
If you're writing something in word that you want others to read, make sure you save it to an earlier version. They have a new file extension now that's only readable to other vista users.
it does tend to ask your permission alot when it comes to programs that access the internet (so, all of them), but you get used to it, and I guess it's better to have some security.
I have it on my new laptop and new PC, and so far, I haven't really had problems. It does ask permission a lot, and it took me a while to get used to how it organizes things, but it's been fine. I think the problems early on have been fixed and while I wouldn't upgrade an old computer to it, I obviously had no problem getting and keeping it on the new ones.
I have XP at school and a Mac at home, so not much experience. I do hate the Word thing. Kids try to send me files from home and I can't open them.
I agree with super happy jen about the file extensions, but that's my only problem. It was a real head-scratcher at first to get used to the new MS Office but it wasn't the end of the world. Other than that, no problems. I always wondered why everyone was up in arms over Vista.
I use a Mac. I wouldn't know Vista if I bumped into him on the subway.
I have Vista on my newish Sony Vaio. Love it.
But everyone I know loathes it. I think they're trying to do fancy editing and whatnot, and Vista uses up a lot of resources and then slows down other resource-heavy programmes. Mind, if I wanted to do stuff like that, I'd likely buy a Mac instead.
For internet and some basic Word stuff, I'm good.
Interesting replies. It gives me some hope. I have been using Office 2007 (on XP) for some time, so that part is already covered. Now, I just have to convince Toshiba to stop making ugly laptops.
Ugly? I love my Toshiba Satellite. He's spiffy. Although there is the fingerprint problem on his nice, reflective surface.
I have a Toshiba Satellite, which I like despite the garish green lid. My sister recently bought one that looks like an 8-year-old designed it. It's shiny and looks like a cheap plastic toy. Maybe I am being too demanding?
My Satellite is a sleek smokey gray/black. I think it's very slick, very cool looking. And while the keys take on fingerprints like crazy, I love the feel of them. They feel substantial, not like the crappy keyboard my Dell desktop has.
Good to hear. I'd like to replace my Toshiba with a Toshiba. I'll definitely take a close look at them in the spring.
Just don't blame me if you don't like any. ;) The salesguy at Best Buy said Toshiba makes the best laptop. I didn't buy it there, tho. I bought it online directly from Toshiba.
I bought my laptop with Vista when Vista first came out--about a year and a half ago. I like the look of it big round "start" button, little previews when you mouse over minimized windows, etc), but sometimes the functionality isn't so great. Where I used to work it was possible to set up a laptop to print to certain networked printers but that didn't work with Vista. I borrowed a scanner from somebody, but the scanner wouldn't work with Vista. I have some photo-ediitng software that I have been unable to run on Vista.
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