I will be taking a hiatus for most of the rest of the summer, but don't be surprised if a podcast should appear here during that time. It might just happen. I shall return.
Since it was raining this morning, I decided to take the subway to work, something I rarely do. I continue to be amazed at what I see on the subway. For one, I still cannot believe that there are people who willingly wear Crocs in public. WTF! To me, that's like wearing your slippers to work/school. Now, I am fully aware that some people reading this post probably own Crocs and will swear that they are the most comfortable footwear they have ever owned. Well, good for you. They are ugly and dumb. Unless you are a child, leave the Crocs at home. Wear them to the beach, if you must.
As I have said very many times, I am stunned that any woman would apply makeup in public. I gather it's because they are pressed for time, or something. Who knows? This morning, I watched two young women apply all manner of face paint while sitting on a crowded subway car. The one on the right spent about 15 minutes applying mascara to her upper right eyelash: it just went on and on and on. The other had a tray of various blushes, eye shadows, lipsticks, etc. The oddest thing is that she devised a new (well to me anyway) use for a dessert spoon.
From my position, I was uncertain as to what exactly she was doing with the utensil. I came to two possible conclusions: she used the spoon to apply mascara; or, she used it to curl her eyelashes. I wish I had an answer. I should probably add, for the sake of full disclosure, that I really do not like makeup, especially lipstick.
Not so many years ago, applying makeup in public was seen as quite rude. I wish it still was.
I think applying make up in public is rude. WTF? Don't these people have a home to do that in? Or even a public bathroom?
I might have to wears Crocs for work. I'm not looking forward to owning a pair of those ugly shoes. :(
I don't wear make-up. It feels icky on my face, like when I was a kid and got my face-painted at the fair and spent the rest of the day trying not to scratch my cheeks. Only it's even less worth it, because I don't get to look like batgirl.
BTW: I found an article on how to curl your eyelashes with a spoon: http://www.ehow.com/how_4968235_curl-eyelashes-spoon.html
"They are ugly and dumb." Yes, and I'm pregnant. Back off! :) Then again, I wear them in public when I'm not pregnant, so I can't use that excuse for much longer.
As for the make up application in public, I just worry for mascara girl's eye health. Subways are far from smooth!! And I can understand the use of the dessert spoon. I often push my eyelashes up with my fingers after applying mascara. It makes my lashes less pointy.
I applaud her ingenuity!
I dont wear it that often but I could have been a smart butt here and said I Hope you dont like make up.. LOL......
I love makeup, but I don't apply it in public. It's mostly laziness. I will WIN the mascara application story competition with this one: my students who used to apply 6-7,000 coats of mascara and then use a PIN to declump their lashes. Talk about dangerous.
I'm with you on Crocs. The colors bug me. I have to wear other clunky shoes, though. Keens. At least they don't look like gardening shoes.
Aw, and I thought the Crocs-in-public thing was finished. When will the insanity end?!
Anyway, enjoy the rest of your summer. Sounds like the subway weirdness will keep you entertained if nothing else does!
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