Saturday, August 07, 2004

The Curse Continues

It always rains when I go camping. It never fails. I have considered renting myself out to forest fire fighters. Just put up a tent next to the fire, put me in it, and it will rain buckets. It's so bad that there are people who now refuse to go camping with me.

I went camping last week, and it rained. Beautiful blue sky changed to the deepest scariest black in a matter of minutes. The good news is that I am now an expert in packing away wet gear.

Many years ago, I camped at Cavendish in PEI. It rained so hard that several families were forced to sleep in their cars. Some tents blew down. Later, it rained on my tent in Nova Scotia. In the Annapolis Valley, rain gave way to freezing temperatures. During that trip, we were rained on in Quebec City and in all of the Maritime provinces. It did not rain on the two nights we took refuge in a hotel. I have also camped in the rain in Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, etc. It may be time to sell the tent.


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