Monday, August 09, 2004

The trouble with vacations is that they end. Fortunately, I like my job, and so I really don't mind returning to work. There are certain elements of my job that I love. It would be nice to not have to work. I think that I would make a good multi-millionaire. I have the perfect temperament for it. It really bothers me to hear about those people who win millions and then say that they wish they hadn't, that somehow their life was better before, that the money just gave them stress. Hey, if you have stress after winning the jackpot, just give all of your money to me. I'd love that kind of stress for a change. Besides the long list of things that I would buy, there is the long list of places to go and things to do. What I find even more fantastical is those winners who don't quit their jobs! Although I quite like my job, I'd be outta here in a nanosecond.

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