Tuesday, August 23, 2005

End Times - The Number of the Beast

Today, I noticed that I have a quarter for the year 2005 in my pocket. I have always liked the issuance of new money, but it is occurring to me more and more that we place too much reliance of worthless pieces of metal and paper. Lately, I have a feeling that I would much prefer the weight of gold, and I realize, in Canada that is a possibility, although the $5 coin seems to have been stalled. It is probably too much to ask that everyone carry around little sacks of gold everywhere, but I am somewhat concerned about digital money. It continues to surprise me that my bank account seems to be not much more that pixels.

Back in the day, I took money to the bank and heard the satisfying sound of coins on the counter and the noise of the machine printing my new balance (hey, I even remember tellers hand writing in my new balance and initialing it). I can transfer money from my bank account to merchants or charge it: in both cases, it's done by cabling and a magnetic stripe.

Perhaps it is from watching westerns, where money was made of gold, that makes me think that it was a better system. After all, gold had been used as currency for centuries. So, count me among those who advocate a new gold standard. Believe me, this does not make me a disciple of Objectivist philosophy or a Randroid, nor does it mean I support the libertarian right or the anti-government left. I just like the look and feel of gold as money. And beside, when we have a one world currency system, probably digital money, it will be the End of Times, right?

Coming soon, a post about Leonard Cohen.

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Anonymous said...

One of the first things I had to purchase when I moved overseas was a good, solid change purse. I would have preferred to see the 5$ coin, as I'm tired of crumpling them up to put in my change purse.

Not to mention the costs it would have saved. Can we remind folks of that when they complain about their taxes?

Jay said...

I love that the new $5 coin would have saved money, money which would have donated to Olympians, and we were all like - tough luck, no way. I am so against the $5 coin I would consider moving to a more paper-friendly country just to avoid it. I probably wouldn't be down with the gold thing either, though. My purse is heavy enough what with all the lip glosses it contains.

tshsmom said...

When the interest rate on my savings account hit .15%, I seriously considered burying my money in the back yard.

kewpiedoll said...

seriously, if you carry a mini sack of gold in your pocket in a third-world country, you'd be lucky to get away with both legs broken and seven teeth missing after you get mugged for it...

Anonymous said...

I remember the Susan B. Anthony dollar and all of the incarnations we have instituted to eliminate some of the useless paper money we have. I am going to trade in my change purse for a five gallon gas tank since the cost of that is increasing faster than anything in the financial markets.

Anonymous said...

I like taking my coins to the supermarket and exchanging for a shopping coupon. That's my big whoop!

Super Happy Jen said...

I have this big Ferengi head that I keep my loose change in. Unfortunately I never carry cash, so the head is full of pennies from back in the 80s when I still got allowance from my parents.

I have a loonie in my purse, maybe I'll go feed the Ferengi today. (unfortunately the head came before the toonie so that coin won't fit).