My mother knows that I have a few antiques, and she is always on the lookout for some to give me. She has only a tenuous understanding of the word antique. Over the years, she has given me some odd "antiques", like:

Yes, a bed pan. The one she gave me (and I felt compelled to take it) was blue. I sold it at a lawn sale for 50 cents. An elderly gay man talked me down from my original asking price of $1. "The only problem," he said, "is that this (he pointed to the spout) is not wide enough." It was only much later that someone suggested to me that he was probably cruising me. Anyway, he assured me that he would use this thing.
In the recent box of surprises, there was:
- a very heavy and ornate liquor glass with a huge chip on the rim. It is ugly and broken and on its way to a landfill site.
- a coffee mug made of dark brown glass with a white etching of an automobile from 1910. So, while not actually an antique, it makes reference to one. Again, this is enjoying a new life in a garbage dump.
- an embroidered pillow case. It's actually quite nice, but I wonder where it came from.
- a series of gaudy postcards with infantile jokes on the front. They look like they came from the 70s.
- a broken transistor radio from the late 60s or early 70s. More landfill.
- and three things that deserve individual posts. More on that later.
And now, I have to write that big report I have been putting off.
Technorati Tags: mother, antiques, bed pan
While some things are kinda cool, I don't really get the whole antique thing.
The mug, however, sounds terribly appealing... ;)
Well, it's about fucking time, dude.
MK: LOL. I took the weekend off.
LG77: what's not to get? It's all very cosy and quaint.
I think the bed pan would make a rather interesting vase...don't create more landfill - reuse and recycle! find new uses for old crap!
Really? A vase? I am not sure about that...
"It was only much later that someone suggested to me that he was probably cruising me."
Now, that was good.
My most mortifying experience from junior high is when my mom got a bunch of bed pans, decorated them to look like geese, and sold them at a craft show. At my school. In front of all my friends.
Why? Still not sure, but thanks for reminding me of a memory that has been repressed for all these years. :-)
I'm from TO, too; saw your blog listed on GTA bloggers but actually hit it today from Blog Explosion. Very funny stuff.
and sold them at a craft show
You mean people actualy bought them? That's creepy.
Love the bedpan...reminds me of a gravy bowl...
that bedpan was nice. i do not think i would have sold it. you might have given away a priceless heirloom for $1.00.
Mr. Fish,
Christmas is coming. Think re-gift.
Who wouldn't love to unwrap a slightly used antique bed pan?
Personally I think it's perfect for those pointless workplace gift exchanges.
Antiques can be very cool - I used to restore old furniture. There's a zen about working with wood.
still have the gawdy postcards?
So your blog has somehow morphed in to the Antique Roadshow.
Woohoo Vexation! I like your thinking!
I have a regift exchange this Christmas with my fiance's any more stuff you don't want??? I can only spend $5. Any more bedpans?
Send address, quickly. I have more than enought "antiques" like that to send. I am also probably the same age as your mother and it takes that age to see the value in some of the things that we "collect." (You may substitute the words "junk" and "hoard" for the quoted words above.)
It's weird that some old things become antiques and others just get old. I hope when I'm like 80, I'll be considered antique. (or at least not dead)
What an interesting vessel! (I don't collect antiques but I'd love to draw this. (don't ask for whom lol). Rather looks like a dustpan until one notices the plumbing protrusion. I'm restoring my favorites list and visiting blogs via the addies that didn't crash, like Jay's Kill the Goat. (You gave me a terrific music tip last spring; thx)
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