- I have 28 cameras.
- I hate Fabricland. I hate everything about it, from just being in the store, to the acres of unappealing fabric. I feel nauseous and weak, especially in that one at Yonge & Bloor in the basement with the low ceilings and bright fluorescent lighting.
- I make tons of typos. In fact, let me just type a coupld of sentences to demionstrate how many typiose I make. It;s beacause I never learned how to tyupe properly in schoo.. I guiess IO figured that I;d never need to know how to type, so I didnlt take the couirse. Thanks heavens for spellc heckers. I think I typs with six fingers and I use the thumbs f rthe space bar, like verybody else. even fater I run evertthing through the spell checker first, I find errors. It's ok to let me know if you see one.
- Here is a picture of my bike.

Technorati Tags: Fabricland, typos, cameras, bicylces
Whoa. Those are some typos.
And hey, nice bike.
Awesome ride there, man.
Re: typos...
You know, even when you have nothing to say, you say it very well. It was riveting, especially the Fabricland thingy, which incidently, I agree with.
Yet, have you ever been to a Lens Mill store? Now, there's an experience. Still get the migraine, but its almost worth it.
There are isles and isles of useless, cheap and nasty stuff thats shoved haphazzardly around with no real eye for anything but "lotza stuff". You gotta try it sometime. I really like the bike. Mine keeps getting taken by my selfish children and I forget what it looks like. Last time I saw it it still had two wheels and a seat, but this could have changes since.
it looks cold. :-)
I make a bazillion typsos too and if you cna't forgive me you'll have to kick me off your comnments section.
28 cameras! I have only been to Fabricland once so I don't have the hate that you do.
Nice bike. Like the paniers. I use a backpack but should get something like that one day.
Nice saddlebags.
maggie - yes, I have been to a Lens Mill store, but that was many years ago. I only have a vauge memory of it, and the nightmares have passed.
kyahgirl - you can stay. I like other people's typos very much. It makes me feel normal.
Try Mario teaches typing. It worked for my son. ;)
ZF, if you wnat smoe help wtih your typos you can try using my new Ajax Slepl Checekr I just potsed for you.
Ajax Spell Checker - http://chrisnolan.ca/archive/ID/936
Fabricland fact: I took my first steps at a Fabricland in Montreal that later burned down.
You know, it's entirely possible that the Fabricland-induced weakness and nausea are at least PARTLY a reaction to the sizing on the fabric. I mean, I LOVE fabric stores, but I still get that way entering the larger ones. Instant headache and crabbiness - that's an allergy attack for me.
As to typos...blogging isn't formal writing, and I'm in the "do not edit" camp. It's more interesting seeing what comes right from your head.
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