In my dream last night, I met Adolf Hitler, sort of. I am not sure where I was going or what I was doing, but I had to ask a truck driver to move his rig. I walked around to the driver's side, looked up, and was not surprised to see Adolf Hitler behind the wheel.
You might think that the chap simply looked like Hitler. I was convinced that it was him, and yet, I was not too concerned about it. He had the famous truncated mustache, the deep black hair that fell into his eyes, and a yellow uniform with all manner of insignia and decoration.
The thing that troubled me was what to call him. I needed to get his attention, and I just looked up, unsure whether I should say: "Hey, Adolf!" or "Hey, Hitler!" The rest would have been easy: "move your damn truck out of the way." He was probably parked in the bike lane, now that I think of it.
Technorati Tags: dreams, Hitler
I believe the correct term of address is "Heil Hitler", IIRC from watching Hogan's Heroes :-)
Honestly. What *are* you smoking?
k: it never occurred to me in my dream to use the formal Heil Hitler. Not smoking anything, but maybe that is the problem.
Wow. What a dream. I agree with K though. Hail Hitler would more likely be the proper way to get his attention if it was him.
I believe that "Führer" is the correct term. And you'd think after all these years he'd shave that moustache. Sheesh.
Maybe I just didn't want to legitimize his title. You know, and deny him any authority, the bastard.
The dream dictionary talks about what it means if you dream *you* are a dictator (it seems to boil down to control issues, surprise, surprise), but not what it means if you meet one. Maybe that you think someone else has control issues?
I'll have to write my own dream dictionary.
You know someone's truly evil if they're parked in the bike lane in your DREAM.
My dreams are never so interesting. h
Damn Hitler parking in the bike lanes. Jackass.
Read somewhere that he was partial to being called Alf, in private mind you.
and he ate cats too?
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