Friday, December 07, 2007

Help is on the way!

From the spam files:

Small male machine is not a trouble.

You Dont please with your instrument size.

Chicks laugh at you.

You have marvelous chance to solve this trouble.

Try our instrument e;nlargement and Women will adore you promptly.

I used. My wife is really happy.

Thank you, Dr. Kenny Hackett. I have to say that your name doesn't inspire much hope that this product will work.


tweetey30 said...

These comercials are going over board really esp with the children in the livingroom and asking question. But you are right about it not inspiring some of us...

SeizeTheNite said...

"Small male machine is not a trouble"

This makes me laugh (really hard) for some reason.

Hope Dr. Hackett doesn't do reductions as well.
That sounds painful.

hemlock said...


Nothing like a little creative grammar to instill hope in those with 'small machines'.