Monday, June 13, 2016

Harmonia & Eno '76: Edward Versions (2015)

I will let Wikipedia give the details on Harmonia:

"Harmonia is a Krautrock supergroup from Germany. They formed as a collaboration between Michael Rother of Neu! and Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Dieter Möbius of Cluster and later included the British musician Brian Eno." [source]

I have some music from this band on CD, including Tracks and Traces, which was released under the moniker of Harmonia '76. Oddly, that record was recorded in 1976 but not released until 1997. The 2009 reissue was released as Harmonia & Eno '76, the same credit as this EP. I don't think a vinyl version of that album exists.

This EP is absolutely gorgeous. I just wish it was longer. It contains two pieces, Athmosphere (Edward's Desert Version) and Sehr Kosmisch (Edward's Close To Pompeii Version) and both are brilliant. The Edward in question is Gilles Aiken.

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