Monday, September 12, 2005

You Wanna Date Your Cousin?

So, I was walking down some street in Toronto the other day. I am not sure which street, but that doesn't really matter. Wait, I think it was Bloor Street but it could have been Yonge Street. Anyway, my eye was drawn to an advertisement on the side of a garbage can or newspaper box or telephone pole or some other bit of urban clutter, and, there was a poster for a service called Kindred Connections. I'd never seen an advertisement for a genealogical service on the streets.

Boy, was I wrong. There is a company called Kindred Konnections that is all about researching your ancestors. However, this one is Kindred Connections with a C. It's a dating service! How bizarre! I thought, who would want to date one's own kin?

This company clearly did not look up the word kindred in the dictionary. Or, maybe they really think that there are people who want to hook up with their cousins, sisters, brothers, aunts or uncles. I nominate this as the most ill-chosen company name in recent memory.

So, lets check the dictionary. From, we have:

kin·dred (kĭn'drĭd)
  1. A group of related persons, as a clan or tribe.
  2. (used with a pl. verb) A person's relatives; kinfolk.
  1. Of the same ancestry or family: kindred clans.
  2. Having a similar or related origin, nature, or character: kindred emotions.
And, from Mirriam Webster:

Main Entry: 1kin·dred
Pronunciation: 'kin-dr&d
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from kin + Old English r[AE]den condition, from r[AE]dan to advise, read
1 a : a group of related individuals b : one's relatives
2 : family relationship : KINSHIP

In other words, join Kindred Connections and date your cousin.

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tshsmom said...

It's legal in California too. My best friend married her cousin there. *shudders*

hemlock said...

Well, if we're talking genes...

My firstyear bio prof said "I think we should all be able to go at it with our cousins".

I guess the chance of mutation is pretty low!

Makes one think, no?

kewpiedoll said...

hey, if it's good enough for Oedipus it's good enough for me...

can you say, ew?

mister anchovy said...

I had two uncles who married two sisters who were their first cousins.....

Super Happy Jen said...

Aren't we all just cousins in the human family?

Anyway I heard about a study a while ago (I might get some facts wronf because when I say a while I mean a long while). They got some clothing that men had worn and got women to smell it. The women had to decide, based on the smell which of the guys were most attractive.

The results: the women chose men who were most genetically similar to themselves. So maybe Kindred Connections will do pretty well.

Maven said...

You don't get much call for "Duh!?" these days!

I'm sure in Appalachia, it's quite a hit!

dabydeen said...

It's for those that desire a little bit of intertwining of the branches of the family tree. Don't knock it till you try it. Apparently, it has worked wonders for the British royal family.