Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My Fly is Down (again)

I am not sure precisely when it happened, but after I turned 30 (or so), I have noticed that my fly is often down. I had no troubles before then - none that I knew about - but now it seems to be a semi-quotidian experience. I've thought of some of the possibilities, like inferior pants, alien conspiracy, voodoo, vindictive ghosts, stronger gravity, or being in a hurry, but the most likely cause has to be forgetfulness. What else could it be? The deeper question is, of course, why I am forgetting to zip up?

It's not like I show up at work with shaving cream all over my face. Whoops! I put on the shaving cream but forgot to shave! I don't forget to rinse the shampoo out of my hair, well, not normally. I remember to eat breakfast. I cycle to work without major mishaps, and I emphasize the word major. I brush my teeth regularly. I even remember to go to work in the morning. I know the days of the week, can count to one hundred, and have not forgotten the alphabet.

The good news is that I am often wearing a shirt that covers that region, and work mates don't come up to me and point out that my fly is down. But, I have to hope that it is not an early-warning sign of Alzheimer's disease. I hope it doesn't get worse. What if I start forgetting to wear pants?

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Anonymous said...

I have an alternative theory.

As we get older we gain weight putting more stress on the zipper. So it comes down on its own. Also we stop caring about the latest style and thus buy clothing less often. The zippers on our jeans get warn out and come down.

So you've lost your youth, but not your mind. :)

Anonymous said...

The good news is that if you stop wearing pants you can save youself from having to worry about your zipper being down. Perhaps "No pants" is the first step towards a stress free life?

Anonymous said...

I have an OCD-like tendency to feel my fly when I cross the street and enter rooms.

Anonymous said...

You'd have to change the name of the blog if you become the pantless librarian. Do you get to stay behind a desk much? You could practise then, removing the pants while seated?

I've only forgotten my fly twice in recent memory (maybe even that is too many?) but it's the days I have trouble with more :-O

Anonymous said...

Vex: you are on to something here.

Anonymous said...

I've forgotten to zip up a few times in my life, but no one caught it. Or, if they did, they were enjoying the peep show. Either way, it's almost more embarrassing to have someone point it out to you than it is to realize it on your own in private.

Anonymous said...

LOL - you're a silly one =) My boyfriend does that ALL THE TIME, except he's 29. Looks like you forgot to forget a bit late =P

- Trisha
Mayo Brains - Spreading Thought

Anonymous said...

Guys forget all the time; I'm always telling random guys to zip up their fly.

Don't ask me why I'm looking at that are.a It just happens when their in a rush.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Yup, old man syndrome. Sorry about that mate. The least you could do is get some interesting underwear for all the peakaboos you provide.

Anonymous said...

I am getting that too. I forget conversations in mid stream. I blame it on my kids.

Anonymous said...

I think people would be much happier if they didn't need to wear pants. And I don't mean sexually!! I mean that often pants dig in uncomfortably, and people would be happier with out them. NO?

Anonymous said...

I find, that I often prefer to not wear pants... it really isn't a bad thing you know...

Anonymous said...

btw: I want to hear about the fish and the shotgun!

Anonymous said...

No pants? Eeeek!

I don't know what it is, either. 26 and I've noticed I'm finding it down lately, also. Maybe I'm subconsciously advertising myself or something ... nah. Think it's actually that I'm usually in too much of a rush so it just gets skipped over, between the pants pull-up and the button and the belt. Gotta slow down ...

Anonymous said...

As a person who sews, trust me, it's the zippers. They're just making inferior zippers now!

Anonymous said...

Fish, maybe it's the campus? I was @ UofT today and found my zipper down. Couldn't help but think of your post. Perhaps they are conducting some experiments ;-)