Saturday, November 26, 2005

Is Sam Clemens an Ass?

A Mark Twain wannabe left an idiotic comment on my previous post. The deranged chap states:

I don't know what is worse,the montane subject matter,or the fact that so many peole have no lifes that they actually stop and read this kind of worthless trival.
I review Blogs,that's what they pay me for anyhow,and I am always in search for some new talent.
I send my reviews to over 400 Yahoo and Google groups all over the world,thereby promoting myself by promoting them,so if you know where I can find a good blog that as an original theme backed by good writing with at least an attempt at originality(see past reviews for sample)let me know!Must dash,the search continues,there's nothing here so....

How about reviewing the blog for what it is, not for what you'd like it to be. I am certain you would not recognize good writing if it bit you in the ass. After all, your comment has many grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. ("peole", "lifes", "trival" plus comma splices, and punctuation failures).

Thanks Jeff for your comment.

And, so you don't have to dig through the comments, here is what I told this jerk in the comments of the last post:

Sam, have you read my entire blog, over 300 posts? Didn't think so. Did I say anywhere that I was attempting to write something other than "worthless trival [sic]?" No. So, your opinion means shit.

How about this: I have been published at last two dozen times in popular, trade, and academic journals. Did it ever occur to you that a blog might have a different purpose? Obviously not.

I am not sure I can respect the opinion of a man who has a blog with only a handful of posts, the last written over three weeks ago.

Besides, if you were a good reviewer, you would offer constructive criticism and not insults. Yes, I have published several book reviews too in real publications, not self-published and congratulatory online junk like your so-called reviews.

You are the one that clearly has no life. You know nothing of mine or the people who comment here, so take your garbage comments elsewhere and don't read this blog. Your comment here makes you look like a big loser. So, screw off.

I'll answer my own question. Yes he is. Oh, and WTF do you mean by "montane subject matter?" I don't believe I have ever referred to mountains in any post.

Update: And I am not the only one who holds this opinion. Read this post, wherein Mr. Clemens is given the inaugural '“Total Fucking Prat of the Blogosphere'” award.

Another Update: Sam is a liar: he has left the same comments on other blogs, like this one and this one. If you visit his blog (there's no reason to as it is quite awful), you will see that his last post was devoted to reviewing two blogs that are clearly also written by him. These are And From the Ashes and The Road Down. He also has posted messages in Yahoo! Groups under the name of H.D. Forbes promoting The Road Down. He has another blog called The View from Outside and The Abuse Ends Now. It is painfully obvious that all of these blogs are written (and I use that term loosely) by the same person, as were the comments left here. I'm not the first person to point out that he is rude. It's clear that I am right, otherwise he would not have deleted the comment I left on his blog, where I pointed out his fraudulent act. Reviewing one's own blog under an alias is a fairly desperate act. He needs help.

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Anonymous said...

I, too, was wondering what "montane" meant. Was he trying to say "mundane" or did he think that perhaps you were from Montana?

What an asswipe. A self-professed guru who can't even spell.

Anonymous said...

Madam,I certainly understand your ire,and am at a total loss for an explanation,other then to say,and I swear this to be the God's own truth,I never posted that comment that is acredited to me.
Unfortuantley with your blog comment section anyone can impersonate anyone.
I am extremley sorry that some one as decided to smear both of our names,yours by that ridiculous comment,and mine by saying I did it.
All I can think of is someone who I may have offended in another matter is trying to discredit me,and at your expense.
I did nor reply to your first comment,as it made no sense to me,I have never seen this blog before,unless it was one I surfed and paid no attention to,nothing seems familiar.
Sorry again,but I AM NOT THE ONE and who ever the coward is I hope we can track him.I repeat,it was not I who left that comment.

Anonymous said...

Comments like that are one reason why I turned comment moderation on for most of my blogs. And "Sam"'s comment here is as full of errors as the original one.

Anonymous said...

Well, that's odd: the original commenter and you both have an inability to properly use the space bar, as do all of the posts on your Blog(s). Can that be a coincidence? Why not just apologize for being an idiot and stop blaming someone else? By the way, statcounters can tell a lot about who has been to visit this blog.

I see you have removed the comments I left on your blog. Answer me this, can you at least not admit that you are fraudulently reviewing your own blogs and pretending that they belong to someone else? It's obvious what's going on there.

And, it's Sir, not Madam.

Anonymous said...

Sure, it is the same thing that was posted at courting destiny , some troll who obviously can't spell and now is embarassed by it.Even tolls like to think theyknow how to spell. Montane, mundane idiots. Well Montane-a is close to Canada. ;0

Maybe he meant Mundane Montanian with a trival live.

Anonymous said...

No problem. The guy is a total fraud.

Anonymous said...

Zydeco - you are awesome.
Sam - you are a bag of douche juice.

Anonymous said...

What a shithead... hilarious that he/she/it tried to deny it with the same mistakes. No life? Obviously.

Anonymous said...

I review and write blogs for a living too (I'm sure my paycheques are still in the mail).

Perhaps Sam is being truthful in his last post and the original commenter is a clever imitater who knows how to emulate Sam's, um, writing style.

Anonymous said...

Judging from the amount of ads on his website, this could be some weird method of trying to make money out of blogger ads. But why go to all that trouble? Just take up spamming. What a dufus!

Anonymous said...

Who is this guy (Sam Clemens, and Sam Clemens aka Sam Clemens)????

I think he just gets off by doing stuff like this. He probably thinks "Now people will come to my blog...and they'll probably click on my ads and make me money".

I don't think so sunshine.

Anonymous said...

Judging from this guy's grammar, punctuation, and obvious (lack of) writing skills, I think an insult from him should be viewed a compliment.

"No lifes" is still amusing me.

Anonymous said...

Have to agree with Vanessa. ZF, you rock. Love the blog. Never heard of the Twain wannabe until now, but, hey there are dented people everywhere - even in cyberspace.

Anonymous said...

Bravo, well done ZF. Thanks for the link in your story, but even moreso, thanks for lighting this guy up like the White House Christmas Tree.
When this horse's ass "spammed" my comments section, telling me to be on the lookout for any good blogs because he gets paid to review them, I was confused. This would be like Roger Ebert posting a comment asking if we see any good movies to let him know because he's a movie critic.

Anonymous said...

I threw down in the latest podcast about this.

Anonymous said...

I think you're just supposed to ignore them, you know. Now you've given him attention and linkage, which is more than a fraudulent act can really expect.

Anonymous said...

Cut Sam some slack. Trolling is such a wonderful pastime for people who have no life...

Anonymous said...

I also get money for commenting on blogs because I am the inventor, no the Presiden t of the internet, yeah that's it. The President of the Internet.

Anonymous said...

As douche of the day responds to your post claiming it wasn't he, yet: "Unfortuantley". Dude you got fucking caught. You even sound the same in both comments, like a rat bastard mongoloid.

I wanted to abuse him by leaving nasty comments but he'll just delete them, then he'll say, I didn't delete them, it was my twin; Capt. Douchebag.

Anonymous said...

Sad grim and pathetic.

Anonymous said...

running42k - I am awed, over-whelmed, almost speechless! Gosh, darn, I've never met a real President before; how delightful, and ZFish must be very proud to have you visit and leave a post!

Anonymous said...

I am not now,nor have I ever been associated with the person who left the insulting post on your Blog and I would be upset but I have more important work.I think you have a wonderful blog,and if you know of any abuse victims or addicts that need support,please refer them to me.I am not an expert consuelor,I am just a survivor with a message of hope.May God Bless you and yours.