Were my parents on drugs? Why else would they choose a tree that looks like this monstrosity? I remember the day we got this tree very well. I scratched my head then, and I scratch it now. It makes no sense. I know it wasn't the last tree on the lot. Why they didn't prune the bastard, I have no idea.
I'd like to know if there is some sort of rate-my-Christmas tree website, 'cause this would surely win in the ugly category.
I have decided that I either have to stop looking at old photos, or come to terms with the fact that my family is full of weirdos.
By the way, the cage at the upper left was home to the two dead budgies.
I'll pass on the opportunity to comment on the interior decorating.
Technorati Tags: Christmas, Christmas trees, family
That looks like a tree that's lost its will to live...crumbling under the weight of Christmas trimmings...a very sad tree indeed...
Maybe I should be happy that we provided a home for a misfit tree.
That's the funniest thing I've seen all month!! Thank heavens you had a picture. NOBODY would believe you otherwise!
LOL! Maybe you could file this under "my parents didn't want me to forget this."
That is some wild ass tree. I say good for it.
Seeing how you were brought up is starting to answer a lot of questions.
My grandfather had a knack for picking out charlie brown trees unfailingly, year after year. After he died my grandmother got a fake tree because she just couldn't make the trek to the tree lot anymore.
My mother gets the hugest tree on the farm (she cuts down a fresh one). They mostly don't fit in her house.
This thing, however, is in its very own category. Can they even grow like that?
I like it. It has character. If you want a perfectly formed tree you might as well get a fake one, right?
(my parent's fake tree is too tall for the ceiling, sheds, and has bald spots. So they can be quite realistic.)
I think it is a fine and noble tree. Good for your family to grab one with a little character.
One year we were short on cash and decorated a tumble weed.
It looked better.
Damn, man.
That tree's downright frightening. Was it beaten with the ugly stick before or after it was put up?
See, this is why I'm planning on burning all family photos taken between 1978-1989...
It kind of looks like some kind of Star Trek alien.
(94, no kidding! WOO-HOO!)
I could be wrong, but I think I see a head and arms...Are you sure that's not a PERSON dressed as a Christmas tree?!?
If there isn't a rate my tree site, perhaps you should set one up:)
Fish, your parents were obviously kind, sensitive and loving people. They chose the "special" tree.
Wow! That is funny! Thanks for the morning laugh. :)
That is one sad, sad tree. Makes for a good laugh though.
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