Tuesday, April 18, 2006


So, I was cycling in, minding my own business, when I saw this Asian lady crossing the street. I know that many Asian people are very fashion forward. Why, just the other day, I saw an Asian (perhaps Korean?) girl wearing a yellow coat with orange rubber boots and a pink handbag. It was very colourful. However, when I saw this lady crossing Harbord Street, I thought, my God, that has to be the most grievous fashion error since parachute pants.

She was wearing, and I have no idea what to call them, boots that were like sandals. I guess you could call them sandal boots or boot sandals. But, let me explain. First, they were a most horrid shade of beige. Very little good comes out of beige (as proof, I remind myself that every room in my ex-in-laws' house was painted beige - but that was years ago, and maybe things have changed). Each boot also had two brown stripes that only added to the travesty. Are you getting this? OK, so they were low boots, kinda like the ones my grandmother would wear, but they had open toes! This can't be a good look for anyone, and I have to say that I was slightly nauseated. Mind you, I refused to expose my toes in public until I was in my mid-twenties.

I did go to the beach and swam in pools, but you would never catch me wearing sandals in public. Even now, I am very careful about that. And, I can never see a movie while wearing sandals because the damn air conditioning is way too intense in summer.

In other news, I am back from my long weekend. Actually, I was back yesterday, but I had no energy to post anything. That's all I have today. I need more sleep.

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running42k said...

I never got the memo about parachute pants going out of style. I feel so embarrassed sitting in my parachute pants and typing this comment.

Weird description of the sandal thing. (soots? bandals?) However, that doesn't make traditional sandals weird

hemlock said...

WOW, that kind of hurts my head.

What I'm picturing is a pair of leather (although you never mentioned leather...) pump boots (little heel) with an open toe.

Yikes. Far from fashion forward.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Dem be some crazy shoes.

Liz said...

Those sound strange, but I love any shoes that expose my toes! As soon as it's warm enough I wear my open-toe shoes and ALWAYS toe rings!

Anna May Won't said...

they sound hideous

the next fad after ugg boots?

Anonymous said...

I googled open toe boots, just because I was curious, and only came up with a bizarre catwoman site. And it was all illustrated.

zydeco fish said...

Doris: What are ugg boots?

Anna May Won't said...

an example. an american thing? either way, i want to collect every single one of them and burn them in a bonfire.

i also want to know what the bizarre catwoman site is.

Anonymous said...

Did you get the girl with the orange boots' number? If so, you know my email ;-)

Oh, and sleep is overrated anyway. Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyphasic_sleep for a different way of going about it.

Jay said...

Hmm. I have not seen these sandal boots of which you speak. This is probably a good thing as I tend to point and shriek loudly when I sight footwear I don't approve of.

I don't wear sandals to the movies either, because I always imagine that a rat will run over my toes, and that ruins the movie for me.

zydeco fish said...

Ah yes, Polyphasic sleep:

JERRY: So this Da Vinci sleep is working out?

KRAMER: (enthusiastic) Oh, I'm percolating, Jerry. I'm telling you, I have never felt so fertile.

Kyahgirl said...

I saw a young woman making a similar fashion faux pas recently. she had the boot/sandal hybrid, a too tight floaty white skirt, a black leather coat and a tiny red leather purse,,,and orange hair. It just wasn't working for her.

Caz said...

Ugg boots are AUSTRALIAN! Except we had the decency to wear them in the privacy of our own homes; with the exception of surfies, who might find them handy to warm up their feet after a winter surf.

"Celebs" in the US decided they were an "outdoor" "shoe" - which they're not.

An Amercian firm recently lost a court case bought by Aussie manufacturers - US company had tried to bags the "Ugg Boot" name as their personal brand name.

I'm still having trouble coming to terms with the new *style* slip-on / sandle shoe thing - designed like a real shoe, but with the heal missing, except for a low token gesture (maybe less than half an inch) of shoe heal, so that they're not a shoe & not a sandle - they just look like someone forgot to finish making the shoe. Weird.

zydeco fish said...

Jeff, I didn't mean to give that impression. I like Asians, and have Asians as friends, honest.

kewpiedoll said...

I like the 'bandals' hybrid myself...the Chanel ones are gorge!

I agree about the beige though...I only wear bright colors...;)

tsesti said...

Actually, the boot/sandal hybrid is not a bandal. A Bandal is a patented style of interchangeable band sandals. Check out the site at www.bandals.com