Corporate Sponsor
If you have watched The Corporation, you will have learned that many corporations are evil, and even considered by some to be psychopaths. It's a fascinating film and well worth viewing.
Despite the portrayal of the corporation as an obnoxious world citizen, I couldn't help but be fascinated by the two college dudes who managed to secure corporate sponsorships enabling them to fund their university education, complete with a BMW. Evidently, there are some corporations who will pay people to wear it's clothes.
I've been waiting for this. I generally make it a point to avoid logos and trademarks on my clothes: hence, I own no Tommy Hilfiger rags. But, that would all change for a few bucks here and there. For enough money, I would even wear pink and a jaunty hat.
I have often reflected that a sponsor for my photoblog would be swell. If only Canon or Nikon would slide some equipment my way, I would happily embellish my site with a corporate logo.
So, I will close with an open call to the various corporations out there to please consider sponsoring me. I have a few restrictions, however. Your corporation can't operate any sweatshops or utilize child labour (sorry Nike, GAP, Nestle, Wal-Mart, and Levis - you're out). Your corporation must have an excellent environmental & human rights record (sorry Chevron, Coca-Cola, Dow, DynCorp, Monsanto, Suez-Lyonnaise Des Eaux - you're out too).
Zydeco Fish, Inc.
Listening to: Brian Eno - Another Day on Earth
Technorati Tags: corporations, sponsorship
I'd be willing to endorse high school learning materials...for a modest fee. ;)
Don't forget about Shell! They're spawned from the depths of hell too (this months National Geographic has a really good, really depressing article on the Niger delta situation)!!! Oh, and ask me about genetically engineered pigs sometime. I have a wicked article for you.
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