Monday, March 19, 2007

Mad at Madonna

I am seriously annoyed that Madonna has a new clothing line with H&M. I am also seriously annoyed that she has published a series of kid's book, especially since her first book received the largest launch in publishing history. I am seriously annoyed that the rich and famous get to do whatever they want, even if they have no talent for it.

In case you missed it, there's a growing list of celebrities who have written kid's books. Some of these are probably good, like those by John Lithgow and Jerry Seinfeld, but I have not read them. But, do we really need books by Jamie Lee Curtis, Katie Couric, Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, John Travolta, Jane Seymour, Spike Lee, and Dr. Laura?

Of course, publishers love these celebrity books because they rake in buckets of cash and H&M will probably do the same with Madonna's clothes. It sucks.

I am supposed to be writing an abstract now, so off I go...

Listening to: The Dears - Gang of Losers (liberated from a delete bin for $5, marked down from $37! It's an import with a funky package).

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Super Happy Jen said...

It's not their faults that they have more connections than the average person. We all know that success is about connections, not talent, right?

Besides, I want to be able to do whatever I want when I'm famous.

Now I'm wondering what kind of clothing line Madonna might come up with. 80s headscarves and bras to wear as outerwear perhaps?

tweetey30 said...

I lost my comment earlier today but anyway I havent listened to any of her music in years really.

I have my two favorite tapes and thats it. Hubby tried getting me to listen to some of her new stuff but the web site he was trying to get it off of wouldnt let him play more than like ten seconds of it. so that didnt help me one bit.

Clothes oh no. Not again. I cant believe these people are trying to make more money. I mean dont they have enough as it is. Some people just arent happy. Now who said when you are rich and have everything you ever wanted and still want and can have that your happy. Not the way its sounding here.

Jay said...

I wonder what you think qualifies someone to be a good children's book author...?

zydeco fish said...

jay: that's a good question, and I would probably say someone who writes and gets published via a reputable publisher AFTER the ms was submitted, not before, simply based on who they happen to be. If only we could have a double-blinded review process.

Critical Darling said...

So the Dears...speaking of talent. What kind of asshole would sell that for $5? Having said this, I must admit I found this most recent album to be a rather huge disappointment. I guess it's hard to follow a masterpiece. Just ask the Stone Roses.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I guess I have two views on this.

On one hand, if kids enjoy the stories, who are you to say that they shouldn't be reading them simply because a celebrity wrote it?

On the other hand, totally! Celebrities get enough perks, why should they get published when someone with real talent has been fighting for years to get their words into print.

I can't stand it that the rich and famous get their FABULOUS $10,000 gift bags at events. Screw off... give that money to a homeless shelter or battered woman's shelter. Seriously.

mister anchovy said...

celebrity is everything it seems...

3carnations said...

The thing that annoyed me about Madonna is when I heard a few weeks ago that she won't let her daughter dress provocatively or listen to her music. While I wholeheartedly agree with her, it seems very hypocritical to shield her daughter from the image and ideals that she created and that parents have been trying to shield their kids from for the past two decades (i.e. Madonna's image and music). If she really wants to shield her daughter, maybe she should stop performing since her main target audience is probably still teenagers, then everyone's daughters (and sons) could be shielded from that trash.

Phew...I'll step down from my soapbox now. :)

zydeco fish said...

critical darling: I once found a copy of Fuzzy Warbles, Volume 2 for $4.99 in a sale bin @ HMV, and then walked next door to Sam the Record Man and saw the same CD for $64.99. Now that was impressive.

zydeco fish said...

3carnations: I agree with you completely.

Anonymous said...

Madonna and "good taste in clothing" are not terms I generally associate with each other. Color me proud to not be trendy :)

The ZenFo Pro said...

You know, the celebrity/children's book connection drives me nuts, too. It reeks of something sinister, unabashed exploitation of children for the sake of ego and capitalism. The books suck, generally.