Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Blog Scraping

I've had it with the blog scrapers. These people scrap (steal) the content of your blog, even if copyrighted - as mine is - and put in on their splogs for erectile dysfunction or casinos or other dubious ventures. It is the stolen content that gets people to these blogs and we don't get a cent of revenue. This practice is illegal.

It makes me wonder why I don't place ads for Viagra on my blog. I don't even have Google's AdSense, so it's not my thing, really. Sadly, SplogReporter is dead, so the best that you can do is flag the blog (if it belongs to Blogger), and hope that they can take it down.

Here is an example (and I refuse to provide the link to the thieves):
-ne The fact that Arthur Koestler has faded into relative obscurity, while contemporary authors, such as George Orwell, are well-known, has always baffled me. Some may remember that the Police used the title of Koestler's Ghost in the Machine for one of their albums.I had high hopes for David Cesarini's biography (Arthur Koestler: The Homeless Mind). While it does cover Koestler's life in detail (some of it excruciating), it renders Koestler as a sex-obsessed drunk and possibly a rapist. Edinburgh University moved his statue to a safer location, fearing vandals would deface it after having reading about Koestler's attitude to women.In hindsight, I regret not tallying the car crashes and the mistresses. It's probably the best book we will get on Koestler for a long time.Tags: Arthur Koestler, David Cesarini


This was stolen, word-for-word, from my post (but they edited it down to only one paragraph). Sure, they provide a link back, but it is my content that brings people to their sites. I wish the web had a detonate or bomb button so I could blow up these blogs that are stinking up the web.


tshsmom said...

I had no idea this was going on. What a bunch of bottom feeders!

Kate said...

I am too stupid to figure out how this works. How did you find out that they stole your work?

zydeco fish said...

If you use Technorati, they list so-called blog reactions - meaning anyone who has linked to you or linked to specific posts. I have been seeing this crazy scheme over and over and I am very irritated.

running42k said...

Your blog is copywrited?

zydeco fish said...

Absolutely. I considered a Creative Commons license, but choose to reserve all rights instead. All it takes in a little © and you are done.

mister anchovy said...

this is new to me too, but we shouldn't be surprised really.

zydeco fish said...

Yeah, I guess you are right. The web seems to attract dubious types :-)