Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Jason Reitman

I was lucky enough to get a seat in a guest lecture given by Jason Reitman last Friday. Don't feel obligated to follow that link (g-d, I hate MySpace). As you know, he directed Juno. My lame ass pseudo-review is here. Don't feel obligated to follow that link either. My literary review of The Squid and the Whale is much better, as is my spectacular and totally hilarious restaurant review. I mean, those were real reviews, written for my reviewing class. Feel free to follow those links.

This dude is hilarious. (I hope I can use the word hilarious twice in one post. The word itself is hilarious). Jason clearly has a natural gift for comedy. His stories were funny and even his jokes were funny. I snapped a few photos during, but shied away from the post-lecture scrum in the lobby, although I did move in and take a couple of photos.

Too bad you missed it. If you ever get the chance to hear him speak, I suggest you go.

On a librarianish note, I was amused to hear him point out a factual error in a Wikipedia entry, not that I am a harsh critic of the site. As I always say, it needs to be approached cautiously, like when you are trying to walk through a mine field. I've said that before, right?

P.S. I am taking the train to Ottawa today. I'll be back to work on Thursday.


Kate said...

I still haven't seen Juno. When is it coming out on DVD? I'm too cheap to pay to see it at the theater. Only movies that have action or sweeping scenery or something like that.

If one more student asks me if s/he can cite Wikipedia for his/her research paper my head is going to explode. Brains everywhere.

zydeco fish said...

Juno will be out in April on DVD, and there is a 2 disc special edition coming in December with lots of cool stuff. That's what he said, anyway.

tweetey30 said...

Sounds like you had a great time listening to this guy. Hope you have fun doing what you are doing in O town. Or just working? take care.

zydeco fish said...

Well, it is work, but I hope it will also be fun.

Super Happy Jen said...

I too enjoy the word hilarious. Although I always mispell it hillarious. Perhaps I subconsciously think that adding more l's makes words more hillllllarious.