Monday, April 28, 2008

Damn Kids

Yesterday in the park I clashed with a group of obnoxious foul-mouthed prepubescent boys (5 kids about 9 or 10 years old). Also in the park, were my two kids (aged almost 3 and almost 7), plus two other kids a bit younger. I walked over the little shits and said very sternly: "There are little kids here, so kill the language." They shut up.

Of course, they left a pile of litter behind them when they finally left, and I would have said something, but they sneaked away. Suddenly, I am left to ponder the word snuck, which sounds like the past participle of a mid afternoon snack.

A few years back, I confronted another group of kids who had invaded the toddler part of a park, and were exuberantly climbing on the monkey bars, etc. They left a pile of refuse on the ground when they turned to go. I said, "You know, I saw the house that you came out of across the street and I am going to knock and that door if you don't pick up all of that garbage you left behind." They cleaned it up.

I could give you more examples, but that would be excessive. I do wonder what I would have done if this most recent group refused to shut up, or, perhaps worse, decided to swarm me. I already know how many 5 year olds I can take in a fight, but these guys were a bit older and might have proven to be tougher. Would it have been excessive to throw sand in their faces and kick them in the groin?


Kate said...

Not at all excessive.

Liz said...

In a former workplace of mine, snuck was a frequent topic of conversation. I don't think a conclusion was ever reached.

Unfortunately today in many places, if you reported a child's bad behavior to their parents, the parents would probably tell you not to mouth off to their child. :-( Well, in the US anyway. Maybe Canadians are more civilized.

tweetey30 said...

I have to agree with liz.. Most parents in the US seem to have no control over there children anymore.. I dont know why but they dont. Its very disturbing really.

Maia said...

I can apparently take on 17 5-year olds in a fight. Rock on! I was hoping for above 3...

Kids piss me off. They think they're all tough and old by swearing loudly. Little do they know that they sound like morons.

Completely unrelated, but...About a month ago, when we still had snow, I had to tell a 15 year old (or so) that she really should have let the elderly couple walk on the clean part of the sidewalk, rather than make them walk in the snowbank.

Blows my mind...

Super Happy Jen said...

I can only take 11 five-year-olds, and I have a feeling that's a generous estimate.

The park near our place is often littered with snack wrappers and many many cigarette butts, but I have yet to see anyone actually litter, so I haven't had the opportunity to say anything.

zydeco fish said...

For some reason, I can take 28 five-year-olds! I think there must be a mistake...