Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Prison Sex

Following on from yesterday's story about a man who had 86 wives -- I have no idea how he could possibly manage to keep them all happy -- I read about a recent survey in Australia regarding sex among inmates. First, the good news. Only 6% of men reported that they had sexual contact in prison, and 5% of that was consensual. This is a relief. I won't be so worried if I ever get sent to jail. Of course, Canada is not Australia.

Now, the more interesting news. 36% of women said that they were having prison sex. The lead researcher, Juliet Richters, added, "which really is quite a lot of sex." It sounds like it to me. Could it be that women are more naturally inclined to bisexuality?

Feel free to read the full article.

Tool is not everyone's cup of tea, but this video (for Prison Sex) is fascinating. It's kind of a nightmare.


tweetey30 said...

I like Tool. We have some of his music. Have you ever seen the video where the baby is there and then the room fills with water if I remember right??

zydeco fish said...

I don't recall that video...

zydeco fish said...

...and, of course, it occurred to me that men might not have been forthcoming in their answers.

Kate said...

ZF- I was thinking the same thing. I was struck by how concerned the men were with not having sex because that would look gay. Um, it's not the Diana Ross album that makes you gay, it's the sex with men part.